I Still Haven't Find What I'm Looking For...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

The best time to start a new blog is on the last day of the year. Nah, I just made that up. I'm just making the most out of this day of forced reminiscence of a year that's only hours away from unfolding. I missed this boredom: for me, who spent the whole year wishing for a perpetual me-time, moments of timidity are gold.

So what exactly am I doing now? Asking the heavens to screw those insipid beings who invented commercialism. While they are in fact already dead to be screwed again, they should be penalized for turning the creative bunch who dishearteningly jumped in the commercial bandwagon into factory workers of words and artworks.

Just thinking out loud. I'm a person who hate the concept of following deadlines set by other people. Okay, so someone who feels so diligent could remind the virtue of discipline, responsibility and all that shenanigans about work. I learned this concept in a familiar kind of way. Translation: at work.

Where else can you find a place where the people value more the quantity of things that you churn than the quality of it. Ah yeah, the virtual insanity of the world wide web has made the brainless audiences to easily sweep off contents that don't appeal to them. Well, as long as the page views are high, its ok. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sounds bogus and stupid to me. OK, I'll stop here. I think the world wide web is a funny, dangerous thing but it's not without its benefits, which should not be explain further.

That was a wonderful 2009 indeed. I've scraped myself off from the ultimate creativity-factory test. I'm not into those kind of things. I'm just happy that I learned.

Happy Last Day Of The Year To Everyone.

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